Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The middle of the world and Pambamarca


This morning we started things off with a deliciously prepared breakfast, and then went off to our morning meditation. The meditation was in the courtyard of the Hacienda in which we were staying and broke off into separate groups to reflect on poverty and how each person and God has experienced poverty in their daily lives. After our morning meditation we went to see the Equator and the “center of the earth”(La Mitad Mundo) as this part of the Equator has been classified. After learning about the equator and the importance of the it being the center of the earth we hopped on a truck that carried us to the mountain Pambamarca where we were able to see some pre-Incan fortifications. The view from the top was unbelievable until the rain came and the entire mountain was surrounded in fog. We soon hurried back down the mountain for fear of a possible thunderstorm. On the way back to our Hacienda for dinner at the same place we stopped at for lunch, soon after we had our nightly compline lead by Max Crudder.


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